Happy New Year to all. Another film year in the books and my theatrical viewing continues to drop (67 films in theaters this year). More and more I tend to wait for DVD and should really start doing a separate list for that. Anyway, here's my best and worst of 2007.
The Best-No Country For Old Men- Brilliant film adaptation, perfectly detailed and perfectly acted.
Atonement- Another terrific adaptation with a powerful story and great acting. Haunting.
Sweeny Todd- Still another adaptation, this time from Broadway. Perfectly executed by Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.
I'm Not There- With no coherent plot, the film still blows you away with sight, sound, and an amazing performance by Cate Blancett.
The Bourne Ultimatum- This third in a series, improves upon each of it's predecessors and sets a new standard for action films done the old fashioned way without CGI.
Eastern Promises- David Cronenberg shows us a world rarely seen and Viggo Mortensen gives a bravura performance as a Russian mobster in conflict.
3:10 To Yuma- I'm a sucker for a good western and this remake was terrific. Russell Crowe and Christian Bale shine.
Black Book- Very exciting WWII film based on a true story of a Jewish woman who falls in love with the Nazi commander she is sent to spy on.
Gone, Baby Gone- Ben Affleck gets everything right in his directorial debut. This Boston crime drama about a missing child is right on the money.
Hairspray- And yes, another adaptation. From film to Broadway and now, back to film, this version of Hairspray was fun start to finish. Singing, dancing, social message and John Travolta in drag. Just a good time at the movies.
Honorable mention-Juno
Into The Wild
Talk To Me
Best DVD- Ratatouille- A brilliantly animated film with intelligence, humor, warmth and charm that doesn't dumb down it's audience
The Worst-Smokin' Aces -waste of talent
Meet The Robinsons- waste of Disney talent
Mr. Bean's Holiday-waste of time
Go Go Tales- sad waste of Abel Ferrara
Pirates of the Caribbean 3- bloated waste of time
Spiderman 3- bloated waste of what could have been
Margot At The Wedding- self indulgent waste of talent
Nancy Drew- waste unless you were a 12 year old girl.
Alpha Dog- waste of Justin Timberlake
We Own The Night- waste of real potential.