Co-written and directed by Edoardo De Angelis, this new Italian drama is based on a true story that occurred during the early days of World War Two.
Italy had 115 active submarines during World War Two. By the end of the war, only 19 were left. This is the story of "The Cappellini", it's crew and most importantly it's captain, Salvatore Todaro. Brilliantly played by Pierfrancesco Favino, Todaro sinks a neutral Belgium cargo ship after the Belgium ship fires at the sub first. 26 crew members survive in a lifeboat and Todaro must decide what to do with them. Should he leave them to their own fate or go against orders and rescue them putting his own crew in danger.
It's a difficult moral dilemma and it makes for a riveting drama. It's a different kind of war film that illustrates perfectly the fog of war and it will keep you engaged right to the end.