Written and directed by Sean Baker, this new comedy/drama tells the story of "Anora", a stripper who ends up married to Vanya, the hard partying son of a Russian oligarch.
While on a "paid" week with Vanya, the two jet off to Las Vegas with friends and end up impulsively getting married. Of course this does not sit well with his parents back in Russia, who send a crew to break up the marriage.
There is a centerpiece scene when the three men break into Vanya's mansion that is at once very funny and yet violent as well. The three just don't know how to contain the force of nature that is "Anora".
The film is fueled by the lightning bolt of a performance by Mikey Madison as "Anora". She is electric from start to finish in a raw, comedic, fierce and touching performance. The film co-stars Mark Eydelshteyen as Vanya, Karren Karagulian as Toros, Yura Borisov as Igor, and Vache Tovmasyan as Garnick.
It's a wild ride and a star is born.