Monday, September 02, 2019


         Not quite a documentary but rather more like a long form music video, this new film is all about the power and beauty of water. Directed by Viktor Kossakovsky, the film contains no narration and no context but is rather just a visual spectacle of water in nature.

          From cleaving glaciers in Greenland to the magnificent Angel Falls in Venezuela, the film spans the globe to show us water in it's purest form. The accompanying soundtrack is by Apocalyptica. The music blends beautifully for most of the film but can be overwhelming at times. There are just a few scenes including people or animals and how they are affected by water in it's various destructive power, and literally life and death in one particular scene. 

        It's a hypnotic ninety minutes that moves randomly from place to place with water, not the subject, but literally the protagonist. It's probably not for everyone but it is visually breathtaking.

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