Sunday, October 27, 2019

Jo Jo Rabbit

       Not since "The Producers" have Hitler and the Nazis been satirized to this extent. This totally original and off the wall black comedy skewers the racism of Hitler's Germany and the absurdity of war. Written for the screen (based on the novel, "Caging Skies") and directed by Taika Waititi, it is the story of Jo Jo, a ten year old boy who's extreme nationalism leads him to join one of Hitler's youth camps hoping to one day be part of Hitler's private guard. 

        Jo Jo has an imaginary friend, a  clownish version of Adolph Hitler, played for laughs by Mr. Waititi. Jo Jo is played brilliantly by Roman Griffin Davis, in his film debut. If this young man continues an acting career, he will quickly become a star. He is just incredible to watch in a complicated role. The film also stars Scarlett Johansson as his mother, Rosie and Tomasin McKenzie as Elsa. Representing the Nazis are Sam Rockwell as the commander of the Hitler youth camp, Rebel Wilson and Alfie Allen as his subordinates, and Stephen Merchant as a very creepy Gestapo agent.

       Most of the film is played for laughs but there is always a serious undertone due to the subject matter. There is one scene in particular, that may bring tears to your eyes. But the message of anti-hate is clear and good does triumph over evil in the end. Credit Mr. Waititi to deftly balance the sensitive and serious subject matter with a comedic touch. 

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