Saturday, July 31, 2021


        Matt Damon disappears into his role as an unemployed oil rigger from Oklahoma, who travels to Marseille, France to help his imprisoned daughter, convicted of murder. The film co-stars Abigail Breslin as his daughter, and Camilie Cottin as a French woman who ends up helping him try to prove her innocence. 

        Ms. Cottin, is terrific on the Netflix show "Call Your Agent" and it's great to see her in a more dramatic role as a single mother who befriends Mr. Damon's character, Bill Baker.  Lilou Saiuvaud plays her nine-year-old daughter Maya, who is simply adorable and has great chemistry with Mr. Damon.

         The film may be loosely based on Amanda Knox's story but writer/director Tom McCarthy throws curve balls into the story that don't reflect anything about Ms. Knox's case. Some of these "curveballs" work to serve the story but there are a few plot holes that can't be overlooked and may nag at an audience despite Mr. Damon's best efforts to act right through them. The story turns on a surprising plot point after morphing from legal thriller, fish out of water story, and domestic family affair. It's that point that reinvigorates the film until it's dramatic conclusion. 

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