Friday, August 30, 2024



    This new sci-fi drama is about three astronauts on a long space voyage to Titan, Jupiter's largest moon. Casey Affleck stars as John, Laurence Fishburne is Captain Franks, and Tomer Capone is Nash. Deep in hibernation for months at a time, the drugs needed to sleep and then wakeup provide side effects that over time begin to take their toll on the crew.

      The film take place entirely on the spacecraft but includes flashbacks to time on Earth before the mission starts. This includes a growing romance between John and Zoe (played by Emily Beecham), a member of the design team for the spacecraft. Also back on Earth is David Morrissey who co-stars as Napier, Head of Mission Control.

       Tension mounts after John discovers damage to the hull from an unexplained impact and dissention grows between the crew whether or not to continue the mission. Nash is convinced their lives are in jeopardy and wants to abort. Captain Franks want to continue as the ship's computer system doesn't show any irregularities. John's decision is complicated by growing hallucinations affecting his judgement.

        Little backstory is provided for the crew with the exception of John and Mr. Affleck is well cast as a loner who starts to question his sanity the deeper they go into space. The film itself takes it's time to get to a certain point where the writers really start to mess with the audience. What is real and what is not reaches a wild crescendo in the last act. 

        Whether or not it's worth the 110 minute ride is up to your tolerance level.

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