Saturday, February 15, 2025

Captain America: Brave New World


      Watching the latest edition to the Marvel cannon, while not necessary, a refresher course of the 2008 "The Incredible Hulk and the TV mini-series, "The Falcon & The Winter Soldier" would both be helpful.

       Those already up to date on the Marvel universe will appreciate Anthony Mackie's version of Captain America but the script doesn't do him much favor. Taking itself very seriously as a "political thriller", there is little in the way of humor or emotion.

        Shades of "The Manchurian Candidate", mind control plays a big part in the script. The surprise villain responsible for the mind control is also responsible for releasing the Red Hulk upon the world, The highly anticipated arrival of said hulk comes fairly late in the film and while his CGI body is well done, other elements of CGI work come off shoddy and not convincing. 

         The film co-stars Harrison Ford as Thaddeus Ross (taking over from the late William Hurt), Giancarlo Esposito as villain "Sidewinder" (a more violent take on his Gus Fring character from "Breaking Bad"), Danny Ramirez as the new "Falcon", Shira Haas, miscast as Ruth Bat-Seraph, Carl Lumbly as Isaiah Bradley, Tim Blake Nelson as Samuel Sterns and two surprise cameos.

          While the film was written before the current administration in Washington, there appears to be subtle swipes taken at those now in charge. The story tries hard to be taken seriously but with so much Marvel lore to cover, the plot takes a back seat to the film acting as a bridge to the next chapter in the Marvel universe. The action scenes (despite the less than perfect CGI) are fun though.

            As with all Marvel films, there is a post credit scene that promises the return of Captain America as well as a hint of a new danger to come.

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