Thursday, June 06, 2019

John Wick- Chapter Three: Parabellum


 If the name John Wick means nothing to you, skip this review. Otherwise, know that Keanu Reeves is back in the third chapter of what will surely continue for some time. If a ballet of ultra violence featuring guns, knives, swords and incredible martial arts is your thing, you will be right in your wheelhouse for two hours of mayhem.

     Wick is becoming a defining role for Mr. Reeves. A man of few words, he lets his fighting skills speak for him. The film picks up right from the end of “chapter two” and the action barely stops. John Wick has a $14 million bounty on his head for breaking the rules of the mysterious organization he works for and every criminal world wide is after him.

      There are incredible set pieces of action that are just amazing. I can’t even begin to describe the knife fight, the motorcycle chase with Wick on horseback, the library fight...the second motorcycle chase, the gun battle in Morocco...the list just goes on and on until a terrific climatic fight sequence.

       Along for the ride as friends and foes are Laurence Fishburne, Ian McShane, Lance Reddick, Halle Berry, Asia Kate Dillon, Anjelica Houston and Marc Dacascos. Add a long list of stunt people that deserve to be acknowledged in the credits.

       And for those who worry about the three dogs in the film, I must include this spoiler alert, they all survive unlike most of the humans.

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