Sunday, March 08, 2020

First Cow

        From director and co-writer, Kelly Reichardt, comes this gentle and beautifully crafted tale of the old west.

        After a clever nod to one of her previous films, we are transported back to Oregon in the 1800's where fur trappers are hunting the abundance of beaver and settlements are starting to grow throughout the territory.

       We meet "Cookie" played by John Magaro, a young man finding his way, working as a cook for a group of trappers. Once day, out looking for ingredients,  he meets "King Lu", played by Orion Lee. A friendship grows between the two men and they hatch a plan to secretly milk the only cow in the region to make "cakes" they can sell in the settlement. Toby Jones co-stars as "Chief Factor", the rich owner of the cow.

       Ms. Reichardt allows her story to grow slowly and organically. The camera lingers on little details as the two men go about their business. There is very little more to the plot than their friendship, life in the settlement and ultimately what happens when their secret is revealed. The authentic look and feel of the film is remarkable. Ms. Reichardt and her team truly transport us back in time, where we can linger and appreciate her quality storytelling.

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