Monday, December 19, 2011


Michael Fassbender gives a fearless performance as a sex addict spiraling out of control in the new film from director/writer Steve McQueen. This portrait of an addict is uncompromising, raw and very intense. It's not an easy film to watch but it's a fascinating and honest look at an addiction, not often explored (if ever) on film.

When Brandon's (Mr. Fassbender) sister, Sissy comes to visit, old wounds are opened and his world begins to unravel. Sissy is played by Carey Mulligan, who also gives a remarkable performance. Both characters are damaged goods and Mr. Fassbender and Ms. Mulligan hold nothing back for the camera. I can't say enough for the two brave performances of these actors. You feel their pain.

Mr. McQueen films New York in the darkness and shadows, taking us down dangerous paths with little respite. In some ways, the film reminded me of "The Panic In Needle Park", another classic film of addiction albeit a different kind of drug. It has the same raw power and naked (no pun intended) honesty about it's subject.

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